Welcome to Villin' ENT

About us

We're just a couple of guys from Louisville, KY trying to highlight and promote everything Louisville has to offer. With topics ranging from Music to Charities, Hot Sauces to Cars. We are trying to build a community around everything Louisville.

If you or someone you know is in Louisville doing something fun/cool/interesting we would love to talk about it on the show! Contact us at general@villinent.com and don't forget to check us out on your favorite social media!

A podcast about everything Louisville and Kentucky. We discuss local businesses, restaurants, charities, events, venues, music, and more! Come hang out with us. Releasing 1-2 episodes a week we do our best to cover current events and festivals while also exploring topics such as People of Kentucky and Parks of Kentucky.

A gaming channel for the Louisville community. We will stream any game we can think of. Definitely a variety stream of sorts. We want to help build up Louisville streamers by offering a place to stream while welcoming audiences from all interests.